¡: 173, 429, 685, 0161
¢: 155, 411, 0162, 667
½: 171, 427, 0189
¼: 172, 428, 0188
¾: 0190
«: 174, 430
»: 175, 431
ô: 147, 659, 0244, 0500
Ó: 0211
Õ: 0213
Ø: 0216
Ö: 665
ç: 0231
é: 642, 45698
â: 643
Ä: 654
Å: 655
À: 0192
È: 0200
É: 656, 0201
Ê: 0202
Ë: 0203
Ì: 0204
Í: 0205
Î: 0206
Ï: 0207
Ð: 0208
Ñ: 421, 677, 0209
Ù: 0217
Ú: 0218
Û: 0219
Ü: 154, 666, 0220
Ý: 0221
Þ: 0222
ß: 0223
à: 645 0224
á: 160 0225
â: 0226
ã: 0227
ä: 644 0228
å: 0229
£: 668
Æ: 658
º: 423, 679
ß: 0223
Þ: 0222
¿: 168, 424
³: 0179, 02227
¦: 0166
¬: 0172
Star (filled): ¡Ú
Star (not filled): ¡Ù
Heart (not filled): ¢½
Spades (not filled): ¢»
Clover (not filled): ¢¿
Coffee: ¢Í
Phone (filled): ¢Ï
Phone (not filled): ¢Î
Hand (point left): ¢Ð
Hand (point right): ¢Ñ
Tetris Shape
(3 bottom, 1 top
aka middle finger): ôÈ
Korean letter that
looks like human
stick figure: ¿ô
Guy from Lego: ¿ä
*Extra Words*
Co: ¢á
Am: ¢ã
Pm: ¢ä
*Music Notes*
Whole note: ¢Ú
Quarter note: ¢Û
Double 1/8th note: ¢Ý
(K) sign: ¢Þ
Cross: ¢Ó
(looks like nazi): س
Heart (filled): ¢¾
Spades (filled): ¢¼
Clover (filled): ¢À
Diamonds (filled): ¡ß
(not filled): ¡Þ
Arrows left/right
(double lined): ¢¢
Arrow right
(double lined): ¢¡
Arrow up/down: ¢Õ
Arrow down-right: ¢Ù
Arrow up-right: ¢Ö
Arrow down: ¡é
Arrow left: ¡ç
Arrow up-left: ¢Ø
Circle (filled): ¡Ü
Circle half filled
(filled right): ¢Å
Circle half filled:
(filled left): ¢Ä
Triangle not filled
(point up): ¡â
Triangle not filled
(point down): ¡ä
Triangle filled
(point right): ¢º
Box (filled): ¡á
Box (not filled): ¡à
Box w/ 2 stripes
vertically: ¢È
Box w/ 9 box inside: ¢Ë
Box shaded with
diagonals: ¢Ì
Box shaded with
diagonal lines /: ¢É
Box shaded with
diagonal lines \: ¢Ê
Frame (top-left): ¡º
Frame (bottom-right: ¡»
|| (close together): ¡«
[ (more bold): ¡¼
] (more bold): ¡½
Upside-down T: ¡Ñ
*Extra Words*
No: ¢à
TM: ¢â
Tel: ¢å
*Music Notes*
1/8th note: ¢Ü
Male sign: ¡Î
Infinity sign: ¡Ä
Wider ¢: ¡Ë
Square made of dots: ¢Æ
X with dots in
each space: ¡Ø
® (used so it won't
combine/mess up
characters): ¢ç
Upside-down A: ¢£
[Combo Symbols ]
ÉɦԦ¬¦³¦¬¦Ó¡¡ Éí¦¡Ý¦¡Ý¦Éí ¦Ç¦±¦¬¦µ¦¬¦°¦Á ¦±¦¬¦¬¦¬¦¬¦¬¦°
Big Hi:
¡Ú¦¯¦®¦¯¢½¦¯ ¦¦±¦°¦¦¦ ¦¦®¦¯¦¦¦ ¦±¦°¦±¡Ù¦±¢¾
¦£¦¤ ¡¬/ ¦®¦»¦¯ ¦§¦¥ / ¦À¡Û¦À ¦¢¡¬ /ɹ ¦±¦»¦°
Crosshair - aiming for u:
¡¡¡¡¦®¦»¦¯¡¡¡¡¦À¡Ý¦À¡¡¡¡¦±¦»¦°¡¡¡¡ ¨Í¨Õ¨Ù¨Õ¨Ú¨Ó ¨Ò¨Û¨Þ ¨á
Hearts - love:
F. U. Middle Finger 1:
¦®¦¬¦¾¦®¦¯¦Á¦Ç ¦²¦¾ ¦¦¦±¦° ¦ ¦®¦Ï¦Ë¦¸¦¯ ¦¿¦®¦Ï ¦
F. U. Middle Finger 2:
¦£¦¤ ¦£¦¨¦©¦§¦¨¦¤ ¦¦¦¤ÿÍÿ ¦£¦¥ ¨Ò¨á¨Ï¨× ¨å¨Û¨á
Full Moon:
£Æ¦®¦¬¦¸¦¬¦¯¬® ¡ú¦ ¦½ ¦¢Ä L ¦ ¦ ¦¢Å ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¬ª
¦½¦®¦¯¦²¦¯ Éí ¦¦±¦°¦¦¦®¦Ð ¦²¦¯ ¦Ã¦Å¦±¦´ ¦±¦° ¦±¦°
¦®¦¯¡Ù¦¬¦¯¡ÙÉí ¦¦¬¦³¦¬¦¦²¦¬ ¦±¦¯¦¦®¦´¦¡¡ ¦±¦°¦¦±¦Ï¦¡Ù
Heart Line:
Shooting Star (to right): ¡¦¦¡¦¬¡Ú
Shooting Star (to left): ¡Ú¦¬¦¡¡¦
F. U. Kittens:
()___() ()___() (=*,*=) (=*,*=) ôÈ ôÈ. .ôÈ ôÈ (")(") (")(")
I Love You Baby:
..¢½..¢½.. ¢½.I¢½U.¢½ ¢½.BABY.¢½ ..¢½..¢½.. ....¢½....
¢: 155, 411, 0162, 667
½: 171, 427, 0189
¼: 172, 428, 0188
¾: 0190
«: 174, 430
»: 175, 431
ô: 147, 659, 0244, 0500
Ó: 0211
Õ: 0213
Ø: 0216
Ö: 665
ç: 0231
é: 642, 45698
â: 643
Ä: 654
Å: 655
À: 0192
È: 0200
É: 656, 0201
Ê: 0202
Ë: 0203
Ì: 0204
Í: 0205
Î: 0206
Ï: 0207
Ð: 0208
Ñ: 421, 677, 0209
Ù: 0217
Ú: 0218
Û: 0219
Ü: 154, 666, 0220
Ý: 0221
Þ: 0222
ß: 0223
à: 645 0224
á: 160 0225
â: 0226
ã: 0227
ä: 644 0228
å: 0229
£: 668
Æ: 658
º: 423, 679
ß: 0223
Þ: 0222
¿: 168, 424
³: 0179, 02227
¦: 0166
¬: 0172
Star (filled): ¡Ú
Star (not filled): ¡Ù
Heart (not filled): ¢½
Spades (not filled): ¢»
Clover (not filled): ¢¿
Coffee: ¢Í
Phone (filled): ¢Ï
Phone (not filled): ¢Î
Hand (point left): ¢Ð
Hand (point right): ¢Ñ
Tetris Shape
(3 bottom, 1 top
aka middle finger): ôÈ
Korean letter that
looks like human
stick figure: ¿ô
Guy from Lego: ¿ä
*Extra Words*
Co: ¢á
Am: ¢ã
Pm: ¢ä
*Music Notes*
Whole note: ¢Ú
Quarter note: ¢Û
Double 1/8th note: ¢Ý
(K) sign: ¢Þ
Cross: ¢Ó
(looks like nazi): س
Heart (filled): ¢¾
Spades (filled): ¢¼
Clover (filled): ¢À
Diamonds (filled): ¡ß
(not filled): ¡Þ
Arrows left/right
(double lined): ¢¢
Arrow right
(double lined): ¢¡
Arrow up/down: ¢Õ
Arrow down-right: ¢Ù
Arrow up-right: ¢Ö
Arrow down: ¡é
Arrow left: ¡ç
Arrow up-left: ¢Ø
Circle (filled): ¡Ü
Circle half filled
(filled right): ¢Å
Circle half filled:
(filled left): ¢Ä
Triangle not filled
(point up): ¡â
Triangle not filled
(point down): ¡ä
Triangle filled
(point right): ¢º
Box (filled): ¡á
Box (not filled): ¡à
Box w/ 2 stripes
vertically: ¢È
Box w/ 9 box inside: ¢Ë
Box shaded with
diagonals: ¢Ì
Box shaded with
diagonal lines /: ¢É
Box shaded with
diagonal lines \: ¢Ê
Frame (top-left): ¡º
Frame (bottom-right: ¡»
|| (close together): ¡«
[ (more bold): ¡¼
] (more bold): ¡½
Upside-down T: ¡Ñ
*Extra Words*
No: ¢à
TM: ¢â
Tel: ¢å
*Music Notes*
1/8th note: ¢Ü
Male sign: ¡Î
Infinity sign: ¡Ä
Wider ¢: ¡Ë
Square made of dots: ¢Æ
X with dots in
each space: ¡Ø
® (used so it won't
combine/mess up
characters): ¢ç
Upside-down A: ¢£
[Combo Symbols ]
ÉɦԦ¬¦³¦¬¦Ó¡¡ Éí¦¡Ý¦¡Ý¦Éí ¦Ç¦±¦¬¦µ¦¬¦°¦Á ¦±¦¬¦¬¦¬¦¬¦¬¦°
Big Hi:
¡Ú¦¯¦®¦¯¢½¦¯ ¦¦±¦°¦¦¦ ¦¦®¦¯¦¦¦ ¦±¦°¦±¡Ù¦±¢¾
¦£¦¤ ¡¬/ ¦®¦»¦¯ ¦§¦¥ / ¦À¡Û¦À ¦¢¡¬ /ɹ ¦±¦»¦°
Crosshair - aiming for u:
¡¡¡¡¦®¦»¦¯¡¡¡¡¦À¡Ý¦À¡¡¡¡¦±¦»¦°¡¡¡¡ ¨Í¨Õ¨Ù¨Õ¨Ú¨Ó ¨Ò¨Û¨Þ ¨á
Hearts - love:
F. U. Middle Finger 1:
¦®¦¬¦¾¦®¦¯¦Á¦Ç ¦²¦¾ ¦¦¦±¦° ¦ ¦®¦Ï¦Ë¦¸¦¯ ¦¿¦®¦Ï ¦
F. U. Middle Finger 2:
¦£¦¤ ¦£¦¨¦©¦§¦¨¦¤ ¦¦¦¤ÿÍÿ ¦£¦¥ ¨Ò¨á¨Ï¨× ¨å¨Û¨á
Full Moon:
£Æ¦®¦¬¦¸¦¬¦¯¬® ¡ú¦ ¦½ ¦¢Ä L ¦ ¦ ¦¢Å ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¬ª
¦½¦®¦¯¦²¦¯ Éí ¦¦±¦°¦¦¦®¦Ð ¦²¦¯ ¦Ã¦Å¦±¦´ ¦±¦° ¦±¦°
¦®¦¯¡Ù¦¬¦¯¡ÙÉí ¦¦¬¦³¦¬¦¦²¦¬ ¦±¦¯¦¦®¦´¦¡¡ ¦±¦°¦¦±¦Ï¦¡Ù
Heart Line:
Shooting Star (to right): ¡¦¦¡¦¬¡Ú
Shooting Star (to left): ¡Ú¦¬¦¡¡¦
F. U. Kittens:
()___() ()___() (=*,*=) (=*,*=) ôÈ ôÈ. .ôÈ ôÈ (")(") (")(")
I Love You Baby:
..¢½..¢½.. ¢½.I¢½U.¢½ ¢½.BABY.¢½ ..¢½..¢½.. ....¢½....
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